Release: version beta

Posts: 239
ATVO updates:
Add support for black flags, DQ and meatball flags.
  • Timing Screen rows will now get a solid black background when the driver has a black flag or has been disqualified.
  • New Timing Screen column 'Flags' will show whether the driver has a black flag ("BF"), disqualification ("DQ") or meatball flag (orange circle) indicating required repairs.
  • Session Events list now shows black flag, disqualification and meatball flag events.

ATVO Theme 2023 updates:
  • The Timing Tower can now show a black rectangle next to a driver if they received a black flag, or a rectangle with the text 'DQ' if they were disqualified. This option can be enabled via the Timing Tower setting 'Show black flag or DQ icons'.

Theme Editor updates:
Added new bindings related to black flags:
  • 'disqualified': returns 1 if this driver has been disqualified (or 0 otherwise).
  • 'blackflagged': returns 1 if this driver has been black flagged (or 0 otherwise).
  • 'meatball': returns 1 if this driver has a meatball flag (or 0 otherwise).
  • 'flags': returns a string of text (comma separated) for flags relating to this entry including disqualified, black flagged or meatballed.
  • 'flags_num': returns a numeric value for the flags relating to this entry, which can be used as a 'SessionFlags' enum in scripts.