Release: version alpha

Posts: 241
Track maps update, Data Tunnel optimization and new data bindings!

ATVO updates: track maps
ATVO now comes with brand new track maps for all tracks! This alpha release is a first look at the new maps and their new features.
  • Track shape: You can choose to show the full 'track shape' in the new Timing Screen - Track Map settings. This will display the actual boundaries of the track instead of a center line. Cars will follow the driving line instead of the center line. This setting makes most sense on small tracks where the shape of the track is visible, you can choose to turn it on or off depending on the track.
  • Pit lane: You can choose to display the pit lane as a separate line. When enabled, cars that enter the pit will display on the pit lane instead of the track. Note that some tracks may have slightly broken pit lanes at this moment, you can turn them off on those tracks.
  • Timing Screen settings: the Track map page on the Timing Screen includes a few new settings such as sizes and rotation of the track map.

Data Tunnel update:
  • Attempt to improve the performance of the new Data Tunnel client. The Legacy option remains available and unchanged.

ATVO Theme 2023 updates: track map widget
The ATVO Theme 2023 now includes a track map widget that displays a live track map in the bottom right corner. The same settings as in the timing screen can be applied to this track map in the Widgets - Track map settings.
  • Cars are displayed via their car number, with styling applied as chosen in the Car Number settings. For example you can choose the background color to match the car number color, class color, car color, or a predefined color.
  • Displaying all or a single class: use the class dropdown to quickly display all cars from one or multiple classes.
  • Choosing specific cars: use the Track Map main menu item in ATVO to open the Track Map Manager to select specific drivers to display on the track map.
  • Rotation: when Showing the track map widget, the rotation will be updated based on the rotation you use in the Timing Screen. Note that the rotation will not update 'live', only when you Hide/Show the track map widget.

Theme Editor updates:
  • Track map: the new track maps are supported as well with a few new choices in the Widget - Track Map properties. You may have to tweak some properties like track width and OffsetX/Y to get your maps to look the same as before.
  • Pace / Time delta bindings: added new data bindings that correspond to the Timing Screen pace column:
    • pace_vs_avg, pace_vs_best, pace_vs_last: current pace delta compared to avg/best/last lap
    • timedelta_vs_avg, timedelta_vs_best, timedelta_vs_last: time delta compared to avg/best/last lap (prediction of difference in laptime at current point on the track)