ATVO & Theme Editor updates:This release tests support for a new concept called
Resources and color pickers.
A Resource is a new item you can add to the theme which represents a re-usable color or brush, which you can apply to multiple widgets and properties at once. Changing the color or brush of the Resource will instantly change it everywhere it is used. This makes it much easier to 'color theme' your themes and change the colors quickly, as well as on the fly while broadcasting.
You can choose to enable Resources to be visible on the Controls screen as well, in which case they will show a color picker dropdown to change the color while you're running the theme. This must be explicitly enabled in the properties of the Resource.
On each Resource you can set either the
Brush or the
Color property. A Brush can be a single solid color but also a gradient of multiple colors. Brushes are used as the background for widgets, subwidgets and labels, but not for other color properties like borders or fonts. If you select a gradient Brush, the Color property will become empty.
Resources can be used for the following properties:
- Widget, subwidget and label static background (Brush & Color): under static background, select the Resource instead of selecting a Brush or image. If a Resource is selected, the widget background will take on the color of the resource. Remove the Resource to use the regular Brush again.
- Widget, subwidget and label Border Colors (Color only): select a Resource as the 'Border Color Resource' property to use it instead of the regular Border Color.
- Font color (Color only): select a Color Resource instead of a Color.
- Label Outline Color (Color only): select an Outline Color Resource instead of Outline Color.