Information cycling at timed interval ? possible? need help with this one

Posts: 72

Hi, me again.

I want to use an empty space in the top banner just above my ticker (look at the screenshot below) and put information that could changed at a timed cycle for example each 30 seconds, i want to show for example, race information, location etc then after the 30 seconds the information would change for temperature information...
i was aiming to try with the ticker functionality but i don't think it would work, i don't figure it.

Is it possible to do this with the editor? possibly with a combination of actions on a widget...

screenshot 1 : top banner with race info

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Posts: 72
screenshot 2 : temperature...

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Posts: 72
screenshot 3: the two controls i actually use to show those information but it's not really usefull to have to press the button all the time when describing a race.

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Posts: 72
Thank you for your help!
Posts: 9
Unfortunately, I can only give you a hint how it might work.
You would have to use a script that runs in a loop and every 30 sec changes the output.
Unfortunately I have only experience with PHP, because it would be easier for me to help you. But this feature interests me too, will try in the afternoon time to write a script. Greetings Chris
You can take a look at timers. With timers you can wait a certain time to execute actions just like buttons would do. You can basically have two timers T1 and T2.
  • When T1 expires, start T2 and execute actions to show wheater and hide race information.
  • When T2 expires, start T1 and execute actions to hide wheater and show race information.
Posts: 72
Simon Grossmann wrote:
You can take a look at timers. With timers you can wait a certain time to execute actions just like buttons would do. You can basically have two timers T1 and T2.
  • When T1 expires, start T2 and execute actions to show wheater and hide race information.
  • When T2 expires, start T1 and execute actions to hide wheater and show race information.

Good idea! I try this and comeback with the result
Posts: 72
What i also need to do is to wait for the timer to start only when my main top panel is on, so it is probably a combination of action trigger + timer that will make this possible....

For now nothing is working but am i on the good path?
Posts: 785
In the action where you show the top banner you can also start the timer. Just set the timer properties such that it does not auto start.
Posts: 72
I acheived my goal,

To have information that cycle alone, but that can turn off, when i want to remove the top panel.

My first idea was to have only 1 button that will activate top panel and if pressed again desactivate everything, but it's not working... it's probably me that is not able to think of the proper logic order but after a while i found and alternate solution this is not so bad.


I have made a plan of what i have done in case another member try to do the same.

Special thanks as usual to Simon and Nick! you are really awesome to give me so much help ! the only way i think i can't give back is to donate and to put my work here for the next person before they ask the same question...

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Posts: 72
Christian Prohaska wrote:
Unfortunately, I can only give you a hint how it might work.
You would have to use a script that runs in a loop and every 30 sec changes the output.
Unfortunately I have only experience with PHP, because it would be easier for me to help you. But this feature interests me too, will try in the afternoon time to write a script. Greetings Chris

THANKS for you answer, i found a way to do it, with 2 timers and 2 buttons, that way, everything is working fine!
Posts: 9
I admit, it was a coincidence but I think I made it. Automatic Start and changes the scene every 20 seconds. Yessssss ;-)

Enjoy it :D
Edited (1 time)
Posts: 72
Christian Prohaska wrote:
I admit, it was a coincidence but I think I made it. Automatic Start and changes the scene every 20 seconds. Yessssss ;-)

Good job! i spent couple of minutes if not hours trying to have only one button to show my top panel and hide it... finally the solution i have is ok with two buttons, because we don't want to have the top panel always on... so i am pretty happy with the result!