live gap text for leader

Posts: 56
Thanks Nick, I'll try it
Posts: 56
Hi Nick, I can not make to work the script :'( I made that and the compilation it's fine but working nothing change on the screen... The way to set up the script is to go to the label that I want to configure -- Data -- Data Converter -- and select the script in the menu, right? Sorry for the inconveniences, I'm new with this feature...

Thanks in advance
Posts: 785
Yes that sounds like the correct way to set it up.

To check what your script is doing (or if your script is even running) it is helpful to add logging in various places. For example, you can add calls to 'Console.WriteLine' to add a log output to the Event Log window.

For example you can do something like this (simplified example code):
public object Execute(ThemeContentItem item, object value, string parameter, ISimulation sim)
Console.WriteLine("Script execution started.");

// Do some stuff
var text = value.ToString();

Console.WriteLine("Script doing stuff with value: " + text);

// Do more stuff

Console.WriteLine("Script execution finished.");

return text;

This way you can follow via the logging in the Event Log where the execution flow is going and if the code is even reached.