Release: version stable

Posts: 218
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where the 'FlagGreen' trigger could sometimes fail to trigger.
  • Fixed a bug where cars were not detected to have finished the race (and would keep swapping positions after the finish) if the prescribed number of laps in the session is more than the number of laps actually completed (e.g. in case the race is limited by both laps and time, but time expired first).
  • Fixed a bug where a Ticker would not allow showing just 1 item.

Changes carried over from Beta 1.29.11:

New features:
  • Added ability to disable hardware (GPU) acceleration in the ATVO settings. By default, ATVO graphics and animations are hardware accelerated which means they make use of the GPU. If your GPU is under heavy load already (e.g. due to iRacing or stream encoding), you can try disabling hardware acceleration and running ATVO on the CPU only. This is not recommended because it will increase the load on the CPU and it will usually impact performance negatively.
  • Added new data bindings for the Laptime Compare datasets: classcolor, classfontcolor, licensecolor and licensefontcolor.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where cars could temporarily swap their "live position" right after the finish.
  • Fixed a bug where exporting your theme from the Theme Editor could fail due to write access rights in rare cases.