Condition to activate a trigger

Posts: 52
Hi guys!

I wonder if there is any way to tell a trigger that it fired only when another widget is activated.

I put some examples to see if you can understand me:

The first image is of my lap counter with no flag thrown. When a flag is thrown, then the trigger is fired and makes it appear (image 2) But sometimes the lap counter is not visible and it is uncomfortable to see how the flag's trigger is launched and remains floating in nothing (image 3)

Can this be somehow solved?
Posts: 785
This is the typical usecase for condition flags. You can do something like this:

- "Set" a condition flag whenever the main widget becomes visible.
- "Unset" the same flag when the main widget is hidden.
- Now you can use this flag as a condition for the action that activates yellow bar thing. It will then only trigger if the flag is "set", e.g. when the widget is visible.
Posts: 52
Nick Thissen wrote:
This is the typical usecase for condition flags. You can do something like this:

- "Set" a condition flag whenever the main widget becomes visible.
- "Unset" the same flag when the main widget is hidden.
- Now you can use this flag as a condition for the action that activates yellow bar thing. It will then only trigger if the flag is "set", e.g. when the widget is visible.

I understand what you are telling me, but I really don't know how to put it into practice in the editor

Could you explain me?
Posts: 785
Have you read the typical usage example here?