Ticker data is superimposed on one another

Posts: 3
I think I'm slowly getting enough.

I built my own theme, and I downloaded the ATVO theme and only made changes to sizes and colors AND added a field for the vehicle logo.
Why are the data pages of the V-ticker constantly overlapping with each other?
Look at the 2 pictures.
Posts: 41
Hi Burkhard,

I think the screenshots are missing. Could you please show them to us?
Posts: 785
This usually happens when you use the IsDynamic flag of a subwidget/label in combination with a Ticker. In almost all cases in a Ticker the IsDynamic flag should be off.
Posts: 3
i did attach the pics... why are they not visible?

@nicki Thissen
i had nothing changed in the setup of all components. Ony the sizes and colors

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