Release: version stable

Posts: 234
Summary of updates previously released in beta/alpha:
Please check the previous version release notes for full details.
  • Replay & Live video transitions
  • Hotkey & Streamdeck support
  • Various new widgets in the ATVO Theme 2023

New updates in this version:

ATVO updates:
  • Timing Screen sort by Class Position now sorts the results by class first, then by class position, so the classes stay together.
  • Telemetry Recorder now shows small indicators where green and yellow flags were waved.
  • Telemetry Recorder can now "fast-forward" without having to restart from 0, if you fast-forward to a point later than the current frame. If you rewind to a previous frame, the playback will still restart from 0.
  • Fixed a bug where Time Remaining in the data could briefly flash to 0 at the race start before counting down.

Theme Editor updates:
  • New Action: Change Data Binding. Change the data binding for a Label. Set the 'Value' of the action to the desired data bindings, use a comma-separated list to set multiple bindings. Ensure spelling is correct, otherwise the value will be ignored.
  • Added an error message in the Error List when using the Built-in Gap converter on labels with the wrong Data Binding.

ATVO Theme 2023 updates:
  • Fixed a bug where the various Followed widgets could become out of sync with the followed car when swapping too fast.