Release: version alpha

Posts: 218
New features:
  • Added Timing Screen customization!
    • You can now choose which columns to display on the timing screen and their order, and customize their header text, font style and color.
    • To customize, go to the new Timing Screen tab in the Settings window. After changing settings, closing and re-opening the timing screen should reflect your changes.
    • Note: while most columns can be fully customized, a few columns have fixed font color and style.
  • Added new Timing Screen columns: Id, Lap, Qualy Tire Compound, Tire Compound. Note: tire compounds will show red (S), yellow (M) and white (H) which may not fully reflect actual tire colors depending on the car. Qualification tire compounds are greyed out until the tire is "locked in" (e.g. the car has to start on this tire).
  • Added a new setting to truncate team names after the "$" sign.
  • Added "live class position" bindings to the Laptime Comparer dataset.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed Telemetry Recorder: recording should now work properly.
  • Fixed a bug where live positions could briefly swap back to previous lap positions just after the finish of a race.
  • Fixed several rare issues with custom classes.
  • The session info parser is now more robust against "foreign" characters in e.g. team names and driver names.